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A line of advanced healthcare clinics across the continental US opens another location, increasing their clinic count to six. Advanced Spine and Posture plans to continue opening clinics across the country to make chiropractic and wellness care highly accessible to those looking for relief.
LAS VEGAS , April 15, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Advanced Spine and Posture (ASP) is a wellness organization that provides holistic healthcare services ranging from physical therapy to chiropractic care. Founded by Dr. David Golan and Dr. Jason Jaeger , ASP was created with the intention of delivering wellness-based care to people with a variety of needs ranging from postural concerns to injury rehabilitation to overall health improvement. Having now seen thousands of patients in five different locations across Nevada and Michigan , ASP has opened another location to continue its expanding reach across the US.
ASP's newest location, Advanced Spine and Posture of Rancho Oakey, Nevada , is under the supervision of Dr. Stephanie Youngblood , an expert chiropractor with over 30 years of experience in the wellness industry. ASP's new Rancho Oakey chiropractic clinic offers high-quality chiropractic care intended to address neck and back pain, postural concerns, spinal deformities, and injury rehabilitation.
Other branches in ASP's nationwide organization offer similar treatments, and some include the services of physical therapists, massage therapists, and on-site medical doctors. A few Advanced Spine and Posture clinics also offer regenerative medicine, a stem-cell-based treatment that can help to deliver pain relief and improve the range of motion, strength, and recovery in an injured body part.
Chiropractic BioPhysics® is another type of care provided by several Advanced Spine and Posture locations. Chiropractic BioPhysics® (CBP) is a special branch of chiropractic science in which only a handful of chiropractors across the United States are certified. CBP is different than traditional chiropractic care in that it uses mirror-image adjustments, a comprehensive set of detailed x-rays, and customized spinal traction setups to correct abnormalities in the spinal structure. Patients who seek out CBP-certified practitioners are typically looking for long-term posture correction, pain relief, and overall wellness support.
Advanced Spine and Posture of Las Vegas Rancho Oakey is open and prepared to provide the highest quality of chiropractic service available. Currently offering a free consultation and a complete wellness screen special offer, patients looking to improve their spinal health can begin their wellness journey with a running start.
Of her over thirty-year commitment to chiropractic care, Dr. Stephanie Youngblood says "I became a chiropractor because I feel chiropractic saved my life. It is my calling." This type of enthusiasm around chiropractic care isn't unusual at Advanced Spine and Posture—in fact, it's emblematic of the dedication and devotion of ASP's founders, both of whom are passionate about providing accessible, affordable, and effective holistic healthcare to their communities.
For more information about Advanced Spine and Posture, contact Chief Operating Officer Dr. John Brown at [email protected] , or call (702) 478-9594.
SOURCE Advanced Spine and Posture
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