It was a double dose of Big Brother 24 this week with the TWO-hour eviction episode featuring a brand new split-house twist as the HGs are about to be divided faster than Jasmine can switch into her overplayed accent and grab her cane. By the end of the night, we were down a Houseguest, the Jury House was up one member, and we had two “houses” to follow. Find out who was voted out last night on Big Brother and who won HOH.
Wednesday night left off with the Veto meeting cliffhanger as Taylor pursued a new target in Alyssa for taking her trip to London. Really Taylor didn’t seem to mind too much at first, but she does love “good TV” and seemed to pursue a splashy exit for her HOH week. We’ll watch that meeting playout and apparently there’s some shouting ahead in this one.
After the meeting Taylor fake yelled at Kyle in Storage. She wanted to appear upset and surprised by his move. Trying to cover her potential Jury votes.
We are getting so very, very many filler segments tonight. This is brutal. The eviction vote won’t even arrive until the second hour of the show so settle in and brace yourself.
With the noms set it’s time to get to the vote. There are eight votes cast this round which means we could see a tiebreaker situation and Taylor definitely wants to avoid that happening. Will the Leftovers come together and provide her some cover?
By a vote of 7-1, Indy has been evicted from the Big Brother house.
Out front, Julie asks Indy who she blames for her eviction. Indy says Kyle, even after Julie points out that Taylor promised her safety, and yet here she sits. Indy thinks Kyle was trying to protect Monte.
Our evictee tonight heads off to become the first Juror of BB24 and will return on finale night, Sunday, September 25th to help decide the winner.
Before we get to the new Head of Household it’s time for Julie to drop some twist news on the HGs. They’ll be split up into groups of five and face two parallel runs of the game for Week 7. We’ll know more soon but are expecting one half to occupy the backyard and the other to head inside. Next time they’ll be together again is a week away. Crazy!
Julie explains the indoor half of the house will be “Big BroChella” and the outdoor crew will attend “Dyre Fest.” Julie ran through the math for each group: 1 HOH, 2 Noms, and just 2 votes to evict. Yikes, those are narrow margins. It’s a leap forward to the end style.
Michael wins HOH and will be inside all week. Terrance, as runner up will be the HOH of BroChella outside.
Julie explains Michael & Terrance will do a schoolyard pick for their four HGs to join them at their Fests. The show cuts off before that can happen though so we’ll see it Sunday night and we will have those spoilers for you tonight when the Feeds return.
After the show, we’ll be heading back to the Live Feeds to watch the fallout over who won HOH & the start of the next rounds of planning for this week’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!
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Big Brother 24 Live Feeds Week 6: Thursday Daytime Highlights
Big Brother 24 Spoilers: Split House Twist Groups
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