Gaetano Insigne's heir: Napoli plans to bring him back next year

2022-07-30 01:44:49 By : Ms. Lily Zeng

Gianluca Gaetano as Lorenzo Insigne.This is the general idea of ​​Napoli.As happened for Lorenzo, who made his bones in Serie B with Pescara, so it could also happen for the talent of Cimitile.This is also confirmed by today's edition of the Gazzetta dello Sport.Whether it will be decisive for Cremonese's arrival in Serie A is not known yet, what seems certain is that in the summer Gaetano will return to Naples, the team that owns the card and that launched it since the youth.Now, from Castelvolturno, they are following him at a distance, with the intention of bringing him back home after a bit of healthy apprenticeship, along the lines of what happened a decade ago with Lorenzo Insigne, who returned transformed from his experience at Pescara Zeman.At Radio Punto Nuovo, during the Punto Nuovo Sport Show, Giampaolo Saurini, former coach of the…Furio Valcareggi, Alessio Zerbin's agent, speaks to Marte Sport Live: "Gaetano and Zerbin must leave for ...The newly promoted has set its sights on a footballer from Napoli Calciomercato Napoli, Cremonese aims to ...Newspaper registered at the Court of Naples, November 30, 2011 (Reg. N.89) ROC registration number: 37862 Responsible Director: Marco Bergamasco © 2011-2022 - All rights reserved