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2022-09-10 02:09:13 By : Mr. tony guo

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When Patrick Owen tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee in March while playing basketball, he assumed he would be on the surgeon’s table in a couple of weeks, and out about $10,000 in surgical fees.

Six months later, he is back on the basketball court and moving fine. The only difference: he does not have an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL).

“It’s as if I did not do anything. It blows my mind a little,” he says.

“It’s as if I did not do anything. It blows my mind a little,” says Dr Patrick Owen, who tore his ACL playing basketball. Credit: Scott McNaughton

In a quirk of fate, Owen – a researcher at Deakin University’s Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition – has become the case study for his own research, which suggests there are no long-term differences between surgically repairing a torn ACL and doing rehabilitation exercises.

“We found there was no real difference,” he says. “We often jump to surgery – I had a bunch of people telling me to go straight to surgery. If I did not know about this, I would have gone to see a surgeon and booked in immediately.”

The ACL runs diagonally through the knee and keeps it stable. Tear it, and the default option has long been surgery.

ACL surgery rates have increased in Australia – the number rising 74 per cent between 2000 and 2015 for people aged under 25 – possibly because most young athletes think surgery is a cure.

But several studies over the past decade have raised questions about that approach.

Evidence suggests the cure does not always work: about a third of people who have surgery won’t return to their previous level of sports. A quarter of those who return to high-risk sports will re-tear their ACL. These risks are seldom mentioned on websites run by knee surgeons, and they rarely mention the benefits of non-surgical management.

Financial incentives probably play a role in that, says the University of Sydney’s Dr Giovanni Ferreira, who has studied online information on ACL rehab. “But the lack of very decent evidence in the field also plays a role.”

A meta-review, led by Professor Daniel Belavy at the German University of Applied Sciences, goes some way to changing that. Published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in August, it pulls together data from three studies of 320 patients. The researchers found non-surgical management – typically an exercise program to strengthen other muscles in the knee – probably works just as well as surgery.

The review also suggests the claim that ACL surgery prevents long-term arthritis in the joint does not stack up. Patients who had rehab were no more likely to develop arthritis, it found.

Researcher Patrick Owen is playing basketball again. Credit: Scott McNaughton

The study has two key limitations. First, after two years, between 37 and 50 per cent of rehab patients had opted to undergo surgery anyway. And second, the evidence remains of low quality – more studies need to be done.

“However, there is enough evidence for the average Joe who goes and tears their ACL, unless they are at a very elite level of contact sport – AFL, NRL – there is merit at least in waiting and doing rehab,” says Dr Donald Kuah, former NSW Institute of Sport director and spokesman for the Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Physicians.

Owen hopes his research encourages patients to talk to their doctors before booking in for surgery. “I’m sure surgery is best for some, but like all healthcare decisions, that shouldn’t be made by solely someone other than the patient,” he says.

Kuah continues to recommend his elite athlete patients have surgery, as it provides important stability for the knee. But this may change long-term.

He is working on a paper that examines using knee braces on athletes with certain types of ACL tears. “We’ve seen, if you pick the right patient, the ligament itself can heal.”

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