Mammoth, CA, Report: D-Spin 720º at 44-Years-Old! | The Wiggle, & Top-to-Bottom Lap Fun! - SnowBrains

2022-06-25 02:44:03 By : Mr. Bo WU

Yesterday at Mammoth was a big day for me.

I’ve greatly struggled with a knee injury this season (missing cartilage in my left knee) and I even had to take a month off to rest, do physical therapy, get PRP + hylaronic acid injections, and get an off-loader knee brace made.

It’s been a battle.

There were times I thought my ski career was over and I was quite certain that I’d never be jumping again nor doing tricks.

In fact, I haven’t done a trick on skis since May 26, 2021 – a year ago!

I rolled into the park yesterday with trepidation on top of exhaustion.

It’s been a long season and we did a big hike and ski on Tuesday to North Peak, CA that was pretty intense…

I slopped through the park once just to stop and look at the jump they have – it was firm and I wasn’t feeling it.

I essentially decided to call it quits, take a groomer, and head home to rest and see if I could refocus.

I also began to submit to the fact that I might not get my D-Spin 720 this year and I was trying to be OK with that and come up with an excuse as to why it was OK.

I gloomily rode up the park chair and at the top someone said:

It was Inti, a buddy from Bariloche, Argentina who is a great skier and loves riding park.

I was stoked to see him and told him about my knee and my lack of tricks this season.

He was fired up to help me get animated and see what I could do.

“OK, now you try a 360º.”

I said I needed one more straight air.

After the one more straight air it was time.

I threw my 1st trick of the season – a 360º – and it worked!

It was ugly, rusty, and weird, but I landed on my feet.

After a few 3s, it was time for the backflip and that was real wonky!

Almost caught my tips on the knuckle.

I was struggling to find the speed.

Then we hit a rhythm.  

Lotza backies, lotza 3s, and I started to loosen up in the air and feel comfortable.

I’d assured Inti that today was just about backflips and 360s and that I wasn’t gonna do a D-Spin 720º this day.

But I was feeling good…

I told him I was going for it and he was down to follow cam.

The first one was small, I just cleared the knuckle but I landed it!

I threw punches in the air, screamed, and hugged Inti!!!

I was so excited and so relieved.

One more year of the D-Spin and at 44.

I did another D-Spin and went way too big and crashed hard via overrotating and landing nearly in the flats – the Gucci Plateau…

I threw a 3rd D-Spin and went too small and caught my tip in the knuckle and took an awkward but softish fall…

I threw a 4th D-Spin and landed right in the sweet spot and right on my feet!

Inti got the shot and I was done.

I threw a few more backflips and 360s and called it quits.

My bad knee was pretty sore from the impacts and crashes, but it was worth it.

This is one of my biggest goals each season and I really truly didn’t think I’d get it this year.

Thank you so much, Inti!

One thing that did help me yesterday was my conversation with Jonny Moseley this season.

He said that he thought the D-Spin was the easiest trick to throw.

For me it’s the hardest, but it helped me shrink it down to size and realize that, yeah, it’s not so bad…

In the morning before the park I did some top to bottom laps off Chair 23 that were a riot.

I hit The Wiggle after the park yesterday and there are a few of them and they’re all pretty challenging and fun.

Mammoth is skiing great right now and it’s not over yet.

The jump and Chair 2 will be gone after Monday so get it while it’s hot.

June 5 is closing day and the snow is starting to go fast, but the skiing is still great.

Sorry bad dictation. Way to go Miles. Proud of you. Great to see you.

Where are you call Miles proud of you

Co-Founder of SnowBrains, UC Berkeley graduate - molecular cell biology major, professional freeskier, professional mountain guide, Alaska heliski guide. Skiing, surfing, guiding, travel, writing, and language float my boat.