"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Cureus is on a mission to change the long-standing paradigm of medical publishing, where submitting research can be costly, complex and time-consuming.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers will open the 2022 regular season slate against the Dallas Cowboys for the second consecutive year, this time making the trip to Dallas. Currently, the Buccaneers have remained relatively healthy during the offseason as the highly-anticipated Week One clash looms.
<As the Tampa Bay Buccaneers gear up to face the Dallas Cowboys on Sunday, kicking off the 2022 regular season slate, several players were limited in Thursday's practice including safety Mike Edwards (illness), wide receiver Russell Gage (hamstring), safety Logan Ryan (hamstring) and running ba
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On the brink of demographic collapse, a third term for the CCP leader may be the country’s best chance at superpower status.
The Chinese Communist Party is preparing to make a pivot
A new study by North Carolina State University researchers found that people often considered the look, texture and, occasionally, the smell of two assistive devices – compression gloves and a knee brace – in online reviews of the products.
The findings detail key aesthetic c
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Ben Schultz, Assistant Sports Editor| September 9, 2022
Marquette volleyball in its 3-1 win over Loyola Chicago Sept. 6 at the Al McGuire Center. (Photo courtesy of Marquette Athletics.)
Three years ago, Jenny Fischer put a sticky note on her apartment bathroom mirror with three
Back in 2012, California adopted legislation, rules of the road so to speak, for the operation of autonomous vehicles on Golden State roadways. It took three more years, until 2015, for implementing regulations to follow.
No rules covered the hauling of autonomous freight — specifical
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When Patrick Owen tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee in March while playing basketball, he assumed he would be on the surgeon’s table in a couple of weeks, and
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