A few winters ago, a local high school booster club invited me to offer the keynote address at a celebration for their football team. The young men had managed to make history as a ball club, but only a couple months prior, the football stadium had morphed into a firing range, inflicting wound
Charlottesville-based medical device company, Icarus Medical, received a $600,000 research grant in October to aid in the development and production of their knee braces, which can relieve more knee pain than other braces on the market.
Dave Johnson, founder and chief executive officer o
When Digit spends an afternoon unloading boxes from a tractor-trailer in 100-plus-degree heat, co-workers never hear a complaint. Digit, a blue-and-white humanoid robot, was designed to handle the tough, menial and dangerous tasks at warehouses.
The robot’s movements, informed by years
Stoke City news from StokeonTrentLive as Michael O'Neill's side prepare to kick off their new Championship campaign at Millwall
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Stoke City ace Nick Powell is facing another four to six
Marianne Williamson - New York Times best selling author, activist, spiritual guru. Photo / Supplied
Marianne Williamson - #1 New York Times bestselling author, political activist, and spiritual thought leader - talks with Anna Rankin
It is fair to state that Marianne Wil
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Decrease aches and pains with this lightweight, breathable foam brace that sits comfortably under your clothes for all-day wear.
When your back is out of whack, you feel it. Exhaustion and pain can end up running you down over time. A simple posture co
Local News and Opinion for San Diego
“Citius, altius, fortius,” says the Olympic motto. Faster. Higher. Stronger. But as the world track and field championships continue in Oregon, one event is missing its altius.
World records are in jeopardy at the 10-day meet at th
Local News and Opinion for San Diego
“Citius, altius, fortius,” says the Olympic motto. Faster. Higher. Stronger. But as the world track and field championships continue in Oregon, one event is missing its altius.
World records are in jeopardy at the 10-day meet at th
BWF Ranking Update: Marcus/Kevin Still King, Anthony Ginting...KOMPAS.com – Based on the BWF ranking update on Wednesday (20/7/2022), Indonesian men's doubles, Marcus Fernaldi Gideon/Kevin Sanjaya Sukamuljo, still ranked first.Marcus/Kevin are still the prima donna in the world men's doubles ra